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Chapter 1: Drafted

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Chapter 1: Drafted Empty Chapter 1: Drafted

Message par Joey D'Avignon Mer 7 Oct - 15:10

Stuff in  {  }   means  that I might change it.

What is in this color are notes to make the story easier to understand.

Here’s what the characters are based of (at least, physically)
Here’s a timeline of the MLP universe (the story is set in Nightmare Moon’s rebellion)

Now that's out of the way, here's the story:

First of all, if you’re reading this, there are two possibilities, either I died in the war...yay… or you went through my stuff, in which case, Fuck off.

Now that the formalities are out of the way, welcome to my mind.

I’m currently in my room, in the Manehattan barracks. It’s pretty small and cramped, but, honestly, I don’t need much to be comfortable.

It’s been about a week and a half since I’ve been drafted. I got used to live with my parents at my farm. Well, “parents”, they adopted me when I was five. I’m thankful that they got me out of that awful orphanage.

To clarify, awful because of the other kids, not the staff, they were quite nice.

Getting sidetracked, this isn’t my life story, it’s the story of the war from my perspective.

I guess that makes it my life story.

Anyway, the day the “recruiter” came, my parents fought tooth and nail to save me from the horrors of war. Unsurprisingly, they failed.

Once I packed my things, we left to gather a few more unfortunate souls before going to the Philly outpost. It took about a week.

At first, I didn’t need to do much physical work, so I considered this an upgrade, oh I was wrong, so, wrong. I didn’t like my “family’ much, had nothing against them, we just didn’t see eye to eye all that often.

But that was because we had to do paperwork.I would have thought they would have prepared it in advance, apparently not. Being in an all-out civil war tends to do terrible things to administration.

Amongst other things.

It took exactly eight days for us to be “allowed” (more along the lines of forced) to serve in the millita.

Then the Training started.

The Training is Tartarus* morphed in a training program. I should have expected no less from something made to transform any civillian into a {rutheless killing machine}.

Tartarus is the equivalent of hell in the MLP universe.

We were about twenty six when the Training started. On the first day, nine fainted and had to be escorted at the hospital. About half of those who didn’t faint puked their guts out. Those had to keep going.

I didn’t puke or faint, but I certainely wanted to. Having spent a fairly big portion of my life reading, my body wanted nothing more than to curl up and go away for a few hours.

The next day, four ponies came back. I still don’t know what happened to the other five, probably dead.

We kept going with the Training, this time only three ponies fainted.

Some tried to get away with doing less work, it didn’t work out so well for them. They had to stay later and wake up earlier the next day to compensate.

This leads me to today.

Earlier this morning, they announced that, in about four months, we are going to pass an exam. It’s supposed to tell them our strenghts and weaknesses, and after that, we’ll be sent to our division to do some fighting.

I don’t know what to expect and, frankly, I’m scared.

Chapter 1    END.
Joey D'Avignon
Joey D'Avignon

Messages : 89
Date d'inscription : 05/10/2015
Age : 25
Localisation : On the dice

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